Purple Kitchen Cabinets Ideas

Kitchen Cabinets

Purple Kitchens:
From light pale shades of purple to darker hues, nothing quite spells "exotic" like the color purple! Modern purple kitchen cabinets mix fashion with passion, and are very rare indeed.

Kitchen Cabinets

Purple Kitchens - Setting the Mood:
Purple is considered an exotic color. As a midway point between red and blue, purple is most often associated with royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, and pride. Mixed with blues and reds, purple kitchen cabinets can have a more retro or nostalgic appearance.

Purple Kitchen Cabinets

Purple Kitchens - Trends: In various forms, purple can be either trendy or elegant. Purple can add a sense of royalty and romance to the otherwise stark contemporary and modern styles. You'll find a select number of pictures of kitchens featuring purple kitchen cabinets as either the central color or as a contrasting accent in two-tone kitchens.

Purple Kitchen Cabinets

Purple Kitchens - Everyday Use: Purple kitchen cabinets require a moderate level of care and attention. Since dust and dirt stand out visually on a dark surface, deep purple kitchen cabinets may require more frequent gentle cleaning and dusting than mid-toned cabinets. Knowing what to expect in advance can pay off with a lifetime of enjoyment in your modern purple kitchen.

Kitchen Cabinets

Purple Kitchen Cabinets

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